Friday, February 12, 2010

Week 2

This week was largely interrupted by three visits to the dentist in Hyannis, but inbetween those, I was able to get 3 coats of Allspar and 2 coats of Epiphanes varnish on the booms. I am still waiting to hear back from Roy Downs who is making my sails to figure where the mast's gaff chafe gear will go before I varnish it.

I gained the courage needed to start cutting out the previous cabin house/cockpit layout. I took a closer inspection and found the old carlins which mark where the coaming use to be. I checked my drawings from MIT to confirm before I did any cutting. I marked out with a batten a few inches inside of the carlins and began cutting. I removed the cabin house roof first, so I could get in and move about with ease. Then I installed a cross beam in case she changes shape. I worked aft from the middle, cutting away at the cockpit. Then, with another cross beam in, I turned around and finished off the cabin house.

This work revealed what needs to be accomplished with this project. The area from center aft is in pretty rough shape. The carlins were attached to the sheer clamp with iron bolts, which over time rusted and expanded, completely splitting away the wood around it. I will need to remove the deck from the 10# deck beam (starting aft) working aft to expose the carlin and sheer clamp. After removing the toe rail and rub rail, I will be able to access and remove the split clamp and carlin on either side and install new ones. Then, the ceiling will come out of the boat, frames inspected. The frames aft of center are all sistered, and given my scope of this project, and without wanting to go into replacing planks, I intend to keep them if they are structural. If not, I will remove the sistered frames and add new ones.