Monday, April 11, 2011

Week 18

I managed to sneak up to Chatham for a long weekend to get some finishing done on Pompano. The first thing I did was prep the hull for painting. I used an aggressive scotch brite type pad to scuff up the bottom, then sanded the topsides with 220. I painted in reverse order again, starting with the bottom, moving to the top, and then finishing with the boot stripe. As before, the bottom is Interlux CSC Green, the topside is Hatteras Off White 1990, and the boot is red boot stripe paint.

I wasn't able to fit one piece of dynel for the cuddy top, so, like the deck, I had to create a 1 inch seam down the center. This was wetted out with epoxy and when dry I was able to get 1 coat of primer on.

The coamings were sanded down with 220 and I was able to get on 2 coats of Allspar varnish.

Aside from finish work, I was able to open the mast step up another 3/8" forward, which hopefully will fix the angle of the mast. But this was all I was able to accomplish this trip before heading back to Nantucket. IMPALA is sailing to Italy the first week in May so be sure to pick up a copy of the Inquirer and Mirror prior to our departure and read about our trip!

Week 18 PHOTOS

Topsides are painted

Dynel is cut to shape for the cuddy top

The dynel is epoxied down

First of two more coats of varnish to go on the coamings

Another view at the scarph joint

From the bow looking aft.

Detail of the coamings.

Topsides, boot, and bottom are painted.

The cuddy top gets 1 coat of primer

A view of the coamings aft

And an overall shot of the boat. Those coamings really pop out!